The Senate Inquiry into Issues related to Perimenopause and Menopause

On 6 November 2023, the Senate referred an inquiry into the Issues related to Perimenopause and Menopause to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee to be reported on by September 2024.

Dr Sunita and Dr Michelle, on behalf of Hera Menopause contributed to Submission 59 alongside fellow Menopause Advocates Ms Kirstin Bouse and Ms Cilla De Lacy.

On the 7th August 2024, Dr Sunita Chelva and Dr Michelle Cotellessa presented their findings at the Public Hearing in Perth to seven female senators all with lived experience. You can read about this here.

Greens senator and champion of Australian women, Larissa Waters, tabled the bipartisan consensus report on the Inquiry into Perimenopause and Menopause on September 18th 2024. It was initiated by the party almost a year ago to investigate the health and economic impact of menopause and perimenopause on Australian women.
So many individuals with lived experience, research and clinical knowledge, workplace champions, educators and policy makers contributed to this magnificent document.
We at at Hera Menopause alongside many other ‘Menopause Warriors’ were so proud to have contributed our clinical and lived experiences to date.


285 SUBMISSIONS resulting in…
7 PUBLIC HEARINGS resulting in…
25 RECOMMENDATIONS resulting in a…
169 PAGE REPORT (hopefully) resulting in…


We hope The Australian government is swift implement these consensus recommendations in full.
Read the recommendations & full report
here .


Reply to the Lancet Opinion Piece 05/03/2024